Millennial Food Trends For 2019 – The Healthy Choice

You hear the word millennial constantly, referring to the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s, becoming young adults in the first decade of the 2000s. Millennials are technologically advanced and skilled in the use of new technologies that make their modern lifestyles possible and have become the generation of the Internet.

 Millennials are also changing the way we shop, cook and eat our meals:

Millennials Want Transparency

Millennials want to know what’s in their food and value simple, healthy ingredients. Millennials are health-conscious (and educated) and want to know what ingredients are in their food choices. Is it natural? Free of additives and preservatives? Are the ingredients sustainable?

Millennials Want Convenience 

Millennials live busy lives and have less time to cook at home and value convenience and ease of preparation. Prepackaged foods are an excellent option IF they contain healthy ingredients. If these food choices are available online with home delivery options, this internet savvy group will order them.

Millennials Like Snacks 

Millennials prefer to customize meals and the ability to choose smaller or larger portion sizes based on how hungry they are. Millennials rarely eat the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner but will often turn to snacks that are convenient and easy to prepare for their on-the-go lifestyle. They often choose snack options that are portable and easy to open and eat on the run.

Millennials Want Value 

Millennials value work-life balance, getting “rich” may not be a priority, so value for their food dollar becomes important.

Millennials Love Ethnic Foods 

Millennials often search for dishes with new or innovative flavors and ingredients. Latin and Caribbean flavors like chili-lime and jerk seasonings are also growing in popularity. This generation has grown up with access to more food choices than any previous generation and they are more than willing to try new flavors.

Neilly’s Foods, a provider of natural, convenient, prepackaged and frozen African, the Caribbean and Latin American inspired food items should be a clear (and healthy) choice for Millennials!

Neilly’s Foods Global Cuisine produces authentic, high quality, quick and easy healthy multicultural food products. Made exclusively using natural premium ingredients Neilly’s products bring the best recipes from around to World to your table in minutes.

Neilly’s Foods will help you eat healthily, save time and money with convenient and delicious rice mixes, sauces and heat and serve the meals and appetizers.